New Catholic regulations on cremation

Even though the Catholic Church is known for being in favor of earth burial, it has recently declared a new stance in regard to cremation. In 2016, The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith declared that the Church is not against cremation if certain regulations are followed. The document was approved by Pope Francis. For example, there are some prohibitions – it is not allowed to keep the ashes of a loved one at home or turn them into jewelry. Additionally, one should not scatter the ashes, but bury them in one place instead. It is encouraged to bury the remains of a loved one in sacred places or cemeteries as this would be in accordance with the Christian tradition. As Christians believe in the resurrection, burial is an important aspect of the religion. A single place of burial (contrary to scattering the ashes) allows people to visit their deceased family members and friends and pray for them.

A little bit of history of cremation– In the ancient world: It was discovered that cremation dates back to ancient times, more accurately, 3000 B.C. The ritual was practiced mainly in the territory of the Near East and Europe.

“…But when the flame of Hephaestus had made an end of thee, in the morning we gathered thy white bones, Achilles, and laid them in unmixed wine and unguents. Thy mother had given a two-handled, golden urn, and [75] said that it was the gift of Dionysus, and the handiwork of famed Hephaestus.” (Homer Od. 24.70-24.80)

The popularity of cremation was evident in Ancient Greece as it was the main way of burial. In 800 B.C. it was extremely popular as cremating bodies prevented a lot of diseases from spreading. Likewise, ancient Romans had similar practices.

– In the turn of the millennium: Even though cremation was a convenient way of burying, by 400 A.D. burying people in earth took over. From then, it was the usual way of burial, and cremation was almost forgotten.

 – In the modern ERA: However, about 150 years ago, an Italian professor Brunetti invented a cremation chamber, in which the process could be done in a convenient manner, and the popularity of cremation started to rise. Since then, more and more cremation chambers were built in the USA, starting from the one in Pennsylvania established in 1876. The Cremation Association of North America was finally established in 1975. Today, about half of deaths in the USA result in cremation, with 48.6% in 2015.

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.




Jesus hanging on the cross with a glowing crown.

Friends and relatives used to talk about their trials and tribulations and the journey down the path to salvation. Some used to narrate their experience of sending a prayer request to a church of their choice to seek forgiveness for their sins. I was a believer but not a staunch one. I had come across the term soteriology or the doctrine of salvation and also heard about the seven doctrines of salvation but it didn’t kindle an interest in me to delve deeper into understanding their etymology. My belief was limited to occasional visits to my local church and attending mass once in a blue moon. To make matters worse, I was going through a rough patch in my life and my faith in the Almighty was dwindling with each passing day.


I was a 19-year-old teenager who had just joined the college as a freshman. A friend introduced me to drugs at his birthday party. Initially, I refused to be a part of the crowd, but my curiosity to taste the unknown got the better of me. Soon, I was a regular customer and knew most of the suppliers in town. What started as a “fun” thing became a question of life and death for me. Deep down, I knew that I was on the path to self-destruction, but the lure of drugs and being on a high made me go back on my promises to get out of the addiction.

I used to be a straight-A student in school; slowly, my grades in college started slipping and it seemed that I would either drop out or be forced out. I had become so desperate that nothing could stop me or keep me away from the addiction. My meagre pocket money was blown away in a few days and I was in dire need of cash to fund my addiction. I started stealing money from my parents and borrowing from friends and relatives. My parents and friends noticed that I had withdrawn into a shell and avoided everyone known to me. They tried talking me out of it but every time I tried to retrace my steps it proved to be a futile attempt. My last hope of becoming sober at a rehabilitation centre, too, did not yield any positive results. I became the topic of discussion at family gatherings and even my best friends kept away from me. I was slowly sinking into an abyss and it seemed like I had reached a point of no return. But life had other plans for me.


A distant relative came to visit us and learned of my plight. She suggested that I should send a prayer request to a church I thought would help me seek salvation. She said that as I didn’t like going out anywhere, I could send an online prayer request to seek deliverance from my sins. Also, my parents were not ready to let me travel to a distant place and pray at a church as they didn’t trust me anymore. This seemed to be a feasible solution and I agreed to seek the blessings of the Almighty. After all, this was my last resort to get my life back on track.

I surfed the Internet to send a prayer and chose a church in the Holy Land where I thought my prayers would be answered. The process of sending an online prayer request involved a few easy steps. The best part was I would receive a digital photograph sent to my home or I could receive a video of my prayer request via email. If I wanted to send a candle request, it would be done on my behalf.


A couple of weeks later, I came across an online group that had members like me with similar stories of their struggles to get rid of their addiction. There were counselling sessions and most importantly, the counsellors were people who had won the battle against drug abuse themselves. They were people like me who had undergone the turmoil of seeing their near and dear ones abandon them in their darkest hour. I decided to join the group and undergo therapy to come out of my condition.

I rediscovered my belief in the Supreme Power. I felt that when all was lost Christ chose to lead me down the path of salvation. He embraced me when there was no one to realize my pain. The Supreme Power blessed and healed me when I had lost all hope.

It takes us a while to realize that we are not alone and that God alone can deliver us from our sins. I have been fortunate to experience his Divine Grace and turn my life around. If travelling is a hindrance, try sending an online prayer request to calm your mind and seek His forgiveness. A prayer request can travel a long way in cementing your bond with the Eternal Power and providing you solace in the darkest hour of your lives. May the year 2020 lead you to light and show you the path to salvation.

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.

Prayer For A Successful Year



You not only work hard but put in extra hours to be noticed by the management in your office; yet, your fruits of labour bear no result and the much-promised promotion continues to evade you. Or, you are constantly trying hard to land a job or find success in your examination but every time you miss the mark by a whisker. You may be feeling dejected due to a string of failed relationships and have no one to share or realize the turbulence going on inside your mind and heart. If your confidence levels have taken a beating and success keeps eluding you, it’s time to turn towards the Supreme Being. But if travelling to the Holy Land is not a feasible option you can send a prayer request to put your troubled mind to rest. Read on to learn about the holy sites where you can send an online prayer request and achieve tranquility of the soul. You will receive a digital photograph (sent to your home address by mail) and/or a video (sent by email). Barring the Church of All Nations, you can also send a candle request to these holy places.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is also known as the Church of the Resurrection or the Church of the Anastasis. It is situated within the Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem and contains the two holiest sites in Christianity, the site where Christ of Nazareth was crucified (known as Calvary in Latin and Golgotha in Greek), and Christ’s empty tomb, where he is believed to have been buried and resurrected. According to a historian of Christianity and exegete, Eusebius of Caesarea (also known as Eusebius Pamphili), the Roman emperor Hadrian built a temple dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite in the 2nd century AD to bury the cave in which Christ had been buried. Constantine the Great, the first Christian emperor, built the church in 325 AD; Helena, Constantine’s mother, rediscovered the “True Cross” during the building of the church. According to popular belief, the Stone of Anointing, just inside the entrance to the church, is the spot where Christ’s body was prepared for burial by Joseph of Arimathea. If you want to seek blessings but cannot travel to the holy site, you can send a prayer request for success and the fulfillment of your wish.

Send your prayer to Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Garden Tomb

The Garden Tomb

The Gospels refer to Golgotha or “the place of the skull” as the site of Christ’s crucifixion. The Garden Tomb is located around the corner of the Skull Hill and north of the Old City’s Damascus Gate. It is believed to be the site of Christ’s crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. You can send a prayer request and discover the spiritual impact of the Garden Tomb.

Send your prayer to Garden Tomb

Church of All Nations

Church of All Nations

The Garden of Gethsemane is considered to be one of the most revered holy sites in Christianity. The word “Gethsemane” finds its origins from the Hebrew expression “Gat Shemen” signifying “olive press’. There are centuries-old twisted and gnarled olive trees which many believe witnessed Christ’s last night before his arrest, imprisonment, and subsequent crucifixion. In the tranquil setting of Gethsemane stands the Church of All Nations. The church is also known as the Basilica of the Agony as Christ prayed here in mortal anguish on the eve of his Passion. The most popular spot is the presbytery as a large fragment of the rock on which Christ is believed to have prayed the night before the Passion can be visible in front of the high altar; the rock is surrounded by a crown of thorns in wrought iron. You can consider sending an online prayer request to this holy site.

Send your prayer to Church of All Nations

Abbey of the Dormition

Abbey of the Dormition

This ancient monastic church, located atop Mount Zion, has a distinctive blue conical roof, rich interiors, four ornamented turrets, and a clock tower. This German Benedictine church commemorates the “falling asleep” (dormition) of the Virgin Mary; it was built by Cologne Archdiocesan architect Heinrich Renard. The church was constructed on land given by the Turkish sultan to the German Kaiser Wilhelm II to mark the Kaiser’s visit to Jerusalem in 1898. In 1910, the church was dedicated by the German Benedictines. There are two levels: the main church and the crypt; the lower-level crypt is believed to be the traditional site of the Virgin Mary’s home and death. There is a circular pillared hall with ambulatories that centers on the Chapel of the Dormition; there is a carved stone figure of the Virgin Mary in repose (dormition) and above it, there is a mosaic in the dome that depicts Christ receiving her soul. You can send a prayer request to find success in your life.

Send your prayer to Abbey of the Dormition

St. Peter’s Church

St. Peter’s Church

The church faces the sea (where St. Peter’s vision appeared) and Rome (where he is regarded as the first Pope). The cross at the front of the church stands atop a rock brought from Banias. Christ told St. Peter at Banias that he would be the “rock” upon which his church would be constructed. In Aramaic, Peter’s name is referred to as Cepha, the word for “rock”. You can send a prayer to see the fulfillment of your desires.

Send your prayer to St. Peter’s Church

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.


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